
Be Green… Be Greenpill...

"", a Go Green movement , initiated by two Young Entrepreneur. A movement of Green revolution has begun and we at Greenpill provide numerous go green solutions for alternate ways of green living & effective practical ways to reduce global warming and greenhouse effect to make a better and safer earth.
"Go Green" not because green is energy saver but making each one a Green Livepreneur and recognition. A brain child of Tulik Group, towards small steps to curb global warming and reduce your carbon footprint.
Greenpill is a movement, to think green, work green & live green. By every mean & way surround
your self with green people, green workplace green environment. Here is the place to explore various green alternatives and work closely with the individual who in turn teaches you the buzz “Greenpill”.


Green Grow … Live More…

Lets come together, work together and Be Greenpill Together. Greenpill is a family of more than 100 Green Preneurs. We have decided to change our lives with a bit of daily green initiative. Let us come together and brainstorm to find a solution for greener living. Submit your green ideas, green startup, green thoughts or anything to make Greenpill a Green movement. Take a small step to make a giant leap. Carbon neutral is a way forward.


Green Grow … Live More…

Lets come together, work together and Be Greenpill Together. Greenpill is a family of more than 100 Green Preneurs. We have decided to change our lives with a bit of daily green initiative. Let us come together and brainstorm to find a solution for greener living. Submit your green ideas, green startup, green thoughts or anything to make Greenpill a Green movement. Take a small step to make a giant leap. Carbon neutral is a way forward.

Why Greenpill?

Not for a profit but for Green cause

"", a Go Green movement , initiate by two Young founder- Vishal Maheshwari & Vikash Maheshwari . A movement of Green revolution has begun and we at Greenpill provide numerous go green solution for alternate way of green living & effective practical way to reduce global warming and greenhouse effect to make better and safer earth.

"Go Green" not because of green is energy saver but "Go Green" can fetch you rewards and recognition. A brain child of Greenpill Group, towards small step to curb the global warming and reduce your carbon footprint. Accumulate Green fuels/Green credits as much you can and get reward yourself.

Greenpill is a movement, to think green, work green & live green. By every mean & way surround your self with green people, green workplace and green environment. Here is the place to explore various green alternative and work closely with the individual who in turn teach you the buzz “Greenpill”.